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Spedizione Express - Possibilità di Reso

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This Transparency Charter represents the illustration of the rules that the company GALLUCCI SRL located in Monte Urano (AP) in Via 1° Maggio n. 53 – ITALY (hereinafter referred to as Company) has established and implemented to guarantee professionality and fairness towards the Customer in the management of online sales. It is a quality and warranty card for the user who has no way of knowing places and people in e-commerce mode.

The principles set out below relate to the company’s moral and ethical vision, values that this company has chosen as the focus on which to focus its management.


Honesty is a fundamental value that must always be considered in the performance of work performance. The management of relations both with internal subjects and with collaborators, partners and customers are based on criteria and behaviors of fairness, collaboration, loyalty and mutual respect.


The Company is oriented towards its collaborators, starting from the phase of their choice, looking for professionality both under the formal aspect and under the social profile, intended as a synonym of responsibility.


The Company guarantees a correct informative activity towards collaborators, staff and any other external entity that interacts with the company in relation to significant events of the company life. Financial data, company communications and any other information that this company third parties meet the requirements of truthfulness, accuracy and completeness. Therefore, the description of each product on the website together with the correspondence of quantities and delivery times are reliable and actually implemented.To the collaborators to whom the Company has assigned specific consultancy and management tasks, alongside the observance of rules, laws and regulations, requires the rigor required by the profession itself and, therefore, compliance with the deontological principles of reference.


The Company has dedicated ample space to the security and confidentiality of company data through the development of specific internal control programs regarding the part of IT security, while regarding the legal and documentary aspects, the company complies with all treatment to comply with the rules. With particular reference to the marketing operations both on the web and

direct, this company provides for the punctual realization of specific forms designed to guarantee information transparency for each interested party and, at the same time, provides for the acquisition of the relative written consent in all cases where the obligation is established.

The information security concerns all categories of data processed, acquired, managed, organized and stored. Furthermore, in the context of this topic, the company emphasizes the respect of intellectual property rights (sanctioned by the Copyright Law Law 633 n 641 as amended by the Conversion Act of February 27, 2009 No. 14 and according to from the Code of Industrial Property) in the case of the presence of brands or links of partner companies.

It is forbidden to communicate and disclose information, photos or documents without having obtained the respective consent. No sensitive information is disclosed.

In the case of processing of data belonging to minors, this company provides for the obtainment of authorizations from the parents or of who exercises parental authority. Therefore it does not proceed automatically with direct sales, but activates a procedure of information directly to the parent or to the parent parental authority in order to protect the minor.

The Company prohibits the completion by the User of operations to copy or store documents or other materials owned by the company. The definition of “company property” includes all the improvements, ideas, products, graphic achievements and any other product created, designed or marketed by the Company or otherwise taken into consideration for its realization or commercialization.


The Company places the Person both as client and as a collaborator in its entirety at the center of its business. As a consequence of this, the prohibition of social discrimination, race, sex, language and religion is prohibited. Respect for human dignity is a fundamental value that must be considered an integral element of corporate action. Forms of discrimination and forms of violation of human rights are not tolerated through the encouragement of forced labor, child labor and other types of abuse. At the same time, the Company does not implement behaviors or choices that could impair the right to equal opportunities.


The Company has always operated in the market respecting the rules of lawful competition and antitrust, refraining from taking actions to its advantage, but contra legem. The company has complied with the respect of the commercial agreements established by the partners. Therefore, the company prohibits any conduct aimed at obstructing healthy and honest competition.


The Company, in ensuring full transparency in its work, undertakes to implement all the measures necessary to prevent situations of conflict of interest. This applies if any employee pursues an interest other than the company mission or personally benefits from business opportunities of the company.


First of all it should be noted that the term “Human Resources” in this context includes every internal and external subject that performs the work for the Company.

In perfect harmony with the respect of the values previously described, each subject is considered, first of all, as a moral person; this means building and maintaining a work relationship focused on trust, fairness and mutual sincerity.

At the time of establishing a working relationship, each subject (employee or collaborator) receives all the information on the subject, the task assigned, the normative elements of the work, the reference subjects. Although the Company defines hierarchical constraints, it pursues a “group”

policy among workers through the planning of informative and training meetings.

Each worker / collaborator has the opportunity to obtain clarifications or answers to specific questions from the consultant made available to the company. The Company is in favor of an employment development policy based on the company’s growth and profitability strategy.

Each performance is aimed at avoiding discriminatory behavior towards others and situations that create a conflict of interests as harmful to the work and the company must be avoided. This company protects and guarantees the confidentiality of personal and sensitive personal information of workers and releases periodic communications for correct and transparent data processing.


As part of the implementation of specific marketing activities, the Company can provide customers with gifts for the purpose of loyalty and thank the customer of the trust placed in the sales services provided by this company.


The Customer, like the Human Resources, is a fundamental asset for the Company in relation to which policies must be activated in continuous improvement in terms of quality and professionalism of the service offered.

This company is always confronted with the customer, believing that having an open attitude to receive advice and criticism, plays an important role in the growth of the company, obviously everything makes sense and is functional if the observations, though negative, are manifested from a constructive will and not from a pure spirit of contradiction.

It is essential that the staff adopt a style of behavior towards the client based on respect for the person, on civic education, on kindness and professionality. The company undertakes to make its communication with customers clear and understandable by using different forms: e-mails, brochures, events. All customer behaviors aimed at theft, deceit and offense are forbidden.


Relations with suppliers and commercial partners are based on the search for the right competitive balance. These relationships are conducted with a spirit of loyalty and professional correctness. The policies established by “supplier companies” are respected by the company. The Company intends to maintain an open dialogue with suppliers in line with good business habits even in the face of problematic situations.

Following the same line of conduct drawn up for staff and customers, the company considers it important to adopt a spirit of collaboration with each supplier or business partner in order to pursue together the common goal of customer satisfaction in terms quality, cost and delivery times.


The accounting activity is carried out in compliance with the rules established by our law and, in the case of relations with foreign countries, in compliance with the relevant tax laws. The management of the accounting section is entrusted to the individuals specifically appointed with the support of external professionals.

Each accounting operation carried out and recorded is accompanied by the corresponding supporting documentation facilitating the control phase, traceability of the activities and highlighting the responsibilities of each operator. The use of corporate funds for illegal or improper purposes is strictly prohibited and severely punished.

The Company complies with the anti-money laundering legislation and prevents the carrying out of potentially dangerous transactions or not in any case not compliant with the matters issued in the tax and tax area.


The Company is a state-of-the-art company that pursues improvement policies, also from a technological point of view. As a consequence of this, this company is sensitive to the risks associated with the increasing use of information technology; therefore the owner has already introduced protection measures, but above all, a particular policy of constant control has been defined aimed at ensuring continuity of work and integrity of information.


We take the security of your personal information seriously. The data of your credit card, thanks to the PaypalTM and Stripe payment circuit will never be transferred to our offices, guaranteeing complete protection. For more information on PaypalTM and Stripe protection standards visit the website and We reserve the right to change our security policies at any time. As a result, we recommend that you periodically check this page to review our current policies.


Access to and use of the site belonging to the Company are governed by these terms of use and imply their acceptance. Acceptance and compliance with these terms and conditions are binding and it is therefore not permitted to those who do not comply with these terms and conditions to access and use the site or to download information material from it. For information of a legal nature concerning the website, you should consult the General Conditions of Sale, and Legal Notices sections.


The Company may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, these Terms of Use. The modifications and updates to the Terms of Use will be binding as soon as they are published in this section of the Website. The user is therefore required to regularly access this section to check the publication of the most recent and updated Terms of Use. Any addition or modification of this text will be identified by a precise and subsequent version number published at the top right of the Terms of Use.


The reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of the contents, videos or publications is forbidden without the express written consent of the company. The user is therefore only authorized to view the Site and its contents and to perform all those other temporary acts of reproduction, without any economic impact, which are considered transitory or accessories, an integral and essential part of the same visualization of the site and its contents and all other navigation operations on the Site that are performed only for a legitimate use of the site and its contents.


The site and all its contents, such as brands, logos, icons, photos, etc., are the exclusive property of the Company and suppliers of the company itself. They are protected by Italian and international copyright laws. All the distinctive signs that characterize the products sold on the site are registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers and are used within the site for the sole purpose of distinguishing, describing and advertising the products for sale. The use of these trademarks does not comply with the law and, as unauthorized, is prohibited and involves legal sanctions as it constitutes an infringement of the law of industrial property. It is in no way allowed to use these trademarks and any other distinctive mark on the site to take unfair advantage of the distinctive character or the reputation of these brands or in a manner that could harm them and their owners.


The Company has taken every useful precaution to ensure its users that the contents of this site are accurate and do not contain incorrect or outdated information, with respect to the date of their publication on the Site and, to the extent possible, even after . However, the company does not assume any responsibility towards users for the accuracy and completeness of the content published on the site, without prejudice to its liability for willful misconduct and gross negligence and without prejudice to the provisions of the law.

The user will be the one and only responsible for the use of the site and its contents. The Company can not be held responsible for any use that does not comply with the laws in force on the Site and the contents of each of its visitors, without prejudice to malice or gross negligence.

The Company can not guarantee its users that the Site will operate continuously, without interruptions and in the absence of errors or malfunctions due to the connection to the Internet; however, the company will try to do everything possible to ensure continuous access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its contents, may not allow operation without suspensions, interruptions or discontinuities due to the need to make updates.

Those who access the site have the responsibility of providing themselves with adequate protection against viruses and firewalls, and relieve the Company from any liability for any damage caused by viruses. They also relieve the Company from any liability arising from damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletions of contents, problems connected to the network, providers or telephone and / or telematic connections, unauthorized access, alterations of data, failure and / or faulty operation of the user’s electronic equipment.

The user is the sole and sole responsible for the custody and credentials that allow access to any reserved services available on the Site, as well as any harmful consequences or prejudices that may arise from this company or third parties as a result of incorrect use , loss, and subtraction of these credentials.

The Company has taken every precaution to prevent the publication of contents on the website that describe or represent scenes of physical or psychological violence or such that, according to the sensitivity of the users, may be considered detrimental to civil conventions, human rights and the dignity of people, in all their forms and expressions. In any case, the Company does not guarantee that the contents of the website are appropriate or lawful in other countries, outside Italy.

Furthermore, the Company does not assume any responsibility in the case of the acquisition of names by the Competent Authorities in the event of an inspection or complaint for the occurrence of a type of computer crime.



First of all, the main regulatory sources to which the contents described below have been updated are highlighted:

Civil Code (rules relating to the conclusion of the contract, rules concerning the revocation of the proposal or acceptance of the contract, rules on unfair terms)

Legislative Decree No. 70 of April 9, 2003

Consumer Code – Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, coordinated with the art. 19 of the Law of 6 February 2007, n. 131, with the legislative decree 2 August 2007, n. 1462, with the legislative decree of 23 October 2007, n. 2213 and with the art. 2, paragraphs 445, 446, 447, 448 and 449 of the Law of 24 December 2007, n. 244 (2008 Finance Law)

Code concerning the processing of personal data – Rules on fair competition, art. 13 of the GDPR 679/2016

In the text described the term consumer or user is here understood as (the natural person acting for purposes unrelated to the business, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out); the term cash on delivery and credit card payment indicate the current payment instruments with which online transactions are activated relating only to sales made with the e-commerce system.


GALLUCCI srl (indicated in the abbreviation as Company) intends to inform the customer about the introduction of the payment methods introduced in the e-commerce site for the conclusion of the sale; they are represented: by cash on delivery, by credit card through the reference banking channel indicated on the site itself.

The Company also emphasizes the concept of consumer protection introduced by Legislative Decree 50/1992, D.L 22/5 n. 185/1999 concerning the sale outside commercial premises. In fact, contracts stipulated with IT or telematic tools apply the provisions set forth in Legislative Decree 50/1992 and Legislative Decree 22/5 n. 185/1999 concerning contracts negotiated away from business premises and subsequent norms established by Legislative Decree n. 70 of 9 April 2003 and of Legislative Decree n. 206 of 6 September 2005 “Consumer Code” which harmonises and reorganises the regulations concerning the purchasing and consumption processes in order to ensure greater protection for consumers.


The following conditions are valid starting from June 2010 and can be updated or modified at any time by the writing company that will give notice through a notice that will be published on its website. The consumer undertakes and undertakes, whenever a change in these general conditions occurs, to provide for their printing and storage.


“On-line” contract of sale means the distance contract, that is the legal transaction concerning movable goods and / or services stipulated between the Company in the role of supplier and a consumer, customer within a sales system remotely organized by the supplier who, for this contract, only uses the remote communication technology called “internet”. All contracts, therefore, will be concluded directly through access by the consumer-customer to the corresponding website at where, following the procedures indicated, you will end the contract for the purchase of the asset . By consumer is meant the natural person who purchases goods and services for purposes not directly attributable to the professional activity carried out.


The information system that characterizes this site is designed to guarantee the immediate processing of orders for available items. If an article is not available at the moment the customer can contact us by e-mail or telephone and the Company will inform the buyer if the product can be produced or not and the waiting time. In case of temporary unavailability of the asset, the Company must immediately inform the consumer before or at the time of the execution of the contract and, if necessary, provide for the reimbursement of the sums already paid for the payment of the supply pursuant to art. 54 of Legislative Decree 206/2005. Except for the consent of the consumer to be expressed before or at the time of conclusion of the contract, the supplier can not perform by supplying a supply other than that agreed, even if of an equivalent or higher value.


This section provides information on error handling during the “cart filling” phase before the purchase is completed. In fact, in the mask called “cart” there is the word “remove from cart” to allow the possible elimination of unsolicited objects.

All products marketed by the Company belong to the quality marks of the same. It focuses sales on internal production footwear. The Company carries out scientific research to guarantee a healthy performance for the person when using shoes. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 104 and 105 of the Consumer Code and its subsequent additions in the event that the manufacturer of the goods communicate any risks or defects, the Company will remove this product from its window and provide the user with the due to explanations. For the sake of transparency, it should be noted that a product is presumed to be “safe” when it is assessed on the basis of non-binding national rules that implement European standards to the rules in force in the Member State where the product is marketed, to the recommendations of the European Commission concerning guidelines on the assessment of product safety, the codes of good practice in the field of safety in force in the sector concerned, the latest advances in technology, the level of safety that consumers can reasonably expect.


Pursuant to Article 6 of the recent update of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree No. 206 of 6 April 2005), it is specified that the products marketed are original and belong to the Company (manufacturer) as indicated in detail in the description form. There are no materials or substances such as to cause harm to people, the environment or things. It should be noted that in the moment in which any commercial communication should arrive from the customer, the Company will provide immediate communication to customers and, if necessary, will remove any product from the market.


The consumer agrees, once the online purchase procedure is completed, to provide for the printing and storage of these general conditions, which, however, will have already viewed and accepted as a mandatory step in the purchase, as well as the specifications of the product object purchase.

These terms and conditions may be updated or changed at any time by this company which will notify you by posting a notice on the site. It is forbidden for the purchaser to enter false, and / or invented, and / or fictitious data, in the registration procedure necessary to activate for him the process for the execution of the present contract and the relative additional communications; personal data and e-mails must be exclusively their real personal data and not of third parties, or fancy ones. It is expressly forbidden to make double registrations corresponding to a single person or enter data of third parties. The Company reserves the right to prosecute any violation and abuse in the interest and for the protection of all consumers; moreover, in order to prevent abuse or incorrect actions of commercial practice, the company provides direct contact to the interested person using the information acquired. In addition, the Company implements a policy of attention and awareness towards minors in order to avoid the emergence of problems related to the abuse of means of payment and the unsuccessful purchase.

The Customer relieves the Company from any liability arising from the issue of incorrect tax documents due to errors in the data provided by the Customer, since the Customer is solely responsible for the correct entry.

It is specified that when the customer is not a private entity and the same requires the issuance of the invoice, you are asked to tick the request for an “invoice request” when ordering. In the case of an Italian customer requesting an invoice, the relevant Univocal Reference Code must be indicated in addition to the full name, the registered office and the VAT number.


By filling in the personal data card, in the registration procedure, necessary to activate the process for the execution of this contract and the related further communications, the Customer authorizes

the Company to communicate personal data – common nature (so as defined under Article 4 of Legislative Decree 196/2003) to the couriers and / or forwarders of trust and credit institutions for the delivery of goods purchased in order to allow the procedures necessary for their delivery. The Company Writing has published the declaration of transparency concerning the methods of processing the data registered by the User.


The Company assumes no responsibility for the disservices due to force majeure and / or fortuitous events such as accidents, thefts and / or robberies in charge of delivery, fires, explosions, strikes and

/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods and other similar events that prevent, in whole or in part, to execute in the times and in the manner agreed upon in the contract. The Company will not be liable to any party regarding the damages, losses and costs incurred as a result of the non-execution of the contract for the aforementioned causes, having the consumer entitled only to the return of the price paid. Likewise, the Company is not responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be made by third parties upon payment of the purchased products.


The Company has the right to terminate the stipulated contract by simply communicating it to the client with adequate and justified motivations; in this case the customer will be entitled exclusively to the refund of any sum already paid. The obligations assumed by the client pursuant to art. 3 (Obligations of the Purchaser), as well as the guarantee of the successful completion of the payment that the customer makes with the means referred to in art. 5, have an essential nature, so that by express agreement, the breach by the Customer, of only one of these obligations will determine the termination of the right of the contract ex art. 1456 of the Civil Code, without the need for a judicial ruling, without prejudice to the right of the Company to act in court for the compensation of further damage.


The Company is careful to comply with the provisions on anti-money laundering and the transparency of financial flows. In light of the entry into force of the Spesometro (introduced by Legislative Decree 78/2010) we advise customers that payments above the legal threshold will form the subject of registration in the Black List or more precisely will be brought to the attention of the Tax Registry; therefore for the purposes of the fulfillment of these tax rules, each user is obliged to issue his own tax code. In addition, please note that in accordance with anti-money laundering regulations, cash payments for amounts equal to or greater than € 1,000.00 are not allowed.


Any dispute concerning the application, execution, interpretation and violation of purchase contracts stipulated “online” through this website is subject to Italian jurisdiction; these general conditions are reported, although not expressly provided for therein, with the provisions of the Consumer Code.

For any dispute between the parties regarding the present contract will be the court in whose district has its residence or domicile the consumer if located in the territory of the Italian State; for all other customers it is agreed that any dispute will be the sole responsibility of the Foro di Fermo.


Subject: Information of transparency and guarantee for the correct use of your data in accordance with the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree 196/2003 and subsequent laws) and the European Regulation 679/2016.

Hereby the Company represented by the legal representative Sig________________, illustrates the

methods of processing the acquired data ensuring compliance with the principles established by the

Privacy Code and the European Regulation 679/2016 alongside the respect of personal rights. Firstly, it is specified that, within this context, the term given includes any type of information of a common nature belonging to his person and represented both by identifying information (name, surname, address, e-mail, telephone number) and from information concerning some personal preferences.

These data are acquired, processed and stored for the following purposes: correct completion of the process for online purchases on the website for the subsequent execution of administrative and accounting obligations; for any communication and marketing activity if the user has given his consent. The processing method is carried out both by paper and electronic means and the storage of information takes place at the Company’s headquarters and the external provider where this domain is supported.

The undersigned company prohibits any activity that does not comply with the aforementioned purposes. Furthermore, in order to guarantee greater protection of the Customer’s data, the Company has taken steps to enact and adopt its own code of conduct, a true Transparency Charter containing the principles aimed at ensuring the transparency of the operations performed on the network for the user and aimed at highlighting the respect of the rules of commercial fairness also towards third parties such as suppliers and collaborators.

The rights of the interested party are allowed by contacting the owner by sending an e-mail to the address indicated on this site. The processing of the data subject of this declaration of transparency and guarantee is subject to the release of the consent that will be freely given at the time of sending with the click on the corresponding key; in fact, dealing with e-commerce or digital data processing, the will must be expressed in the opt-in or opt-out mode.

In case of request for sending electronically-informed invoices, please make an explicit request by indicating (if in possession) your legal email address.


Personal data is collected for the purpose of registering the customer and activating the procedures for the execution of the present contract and the related necessary communications. These data are processed both with the aid of electronic tools and in paper form and are processed and consulted only by internal individuals specifically appointed with a written document. The information is not disclosed to third parties or disseminated.

Among the rights of the interested party we find: ask for confirmation of the existence of personal data at the Company’s headquarters; to know their origin, the logic and the purposes of their treatment; obtain updating, correction and integration; request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or block in case of unlawful processing; to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons or in the case of use of data for sending advertising material, commercial information, market research, direct sales and interactive commercial communication.

The obtainment of the cancellation of personal data is subject to sending a written communication, sent by fax or mail to the company headquarters. For the sake of transparency, we inform you that the domain is used after signing a contract of use and is located at an external provider. The data controller is the company GALLUCCI SRL based in Monte Urano via 1 May 53 through its Legal Representative.

This page describes how to manage the site regarding the processing of personal data of users who consult it. This is an information that is provided pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and the European regulation 679/2016 to those who interact with the Company’s website. The information is provided only for the site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links.

The information is also based on the provisions of Recommendation no. 2/2001 that the European

Authorities for the protection of personal data, gathered in the Group established by the art. 29 of the Directive n. 95/46 / EC adopted on 17/05/2001 to identify some minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online, and in particular, the methods, timing and nature of the information that the owners must provide to users when these they link to web pages regardless of the purpose of the link. The information contained in the site also meets the conformity requirements dictated by other regulations and has been updated according to the Law of 7 July 2009 nr. 88 as the norm for the implementation of the 2008 Community Tax Law.


Within this context, the term given by the customer means the set of information freely issued by the user-client or by the potential user-client in the appropriate modules on this site. These data also include some identifying elements relating to preferences in purchases, bank data, data of third parties connected to the user, ordinary e-mail addresses with legal value, mobile phone numbers and home address necessary for completing the sales path. line. With regard to the type of information acquired, it should be noted that they only refer to the contents of the corresponding sessions of the website; no data that differ from what is published online are processed and stored.


The ownership of treatment belonging directly to the company GALLUCCI SRL, whose complete data are shown on the home page (Legal Representative:


The processing operations connected to the web services of this site take place at the above mentioned registered office and are managed by the owner who is responsible for carrying out certain graphic changes and for managing, checking, updating the articles and sales. For the sake of transparency, it should be noted that the domain is supported by an external provider responsible for the operation and safety and that, in the event of violations, is subject to the responsibilities dictated by specific industry standards.

Detailed information on the processing of personal data

Detailed information on the processing of personal data. Personal Data is collected for the following purposes and using the following services:

Types of data processed - Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site: except for this eventuality, the data on web contacts do not persist for more than three days.

- Data provided voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.

Specific summary information will be progressively reported or displayed on the site pages set up for particular services on request.

Personal data is processed by automated and paper means for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected.

Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access, better specified in the Treatments Register.

The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain access, rectify, cancel, restrict, oppose the processing as well as the possibility of revoking the consent at any time without jeopardizing the lawfulness of the processing and making a complaint to the Authority according to the provisions of articles 15 to 22 of GDPR 679/2016, addressing the relevant request to the Data Controller

Requests should be sent to Gallucci S.R.L Viale 1° Maggio, 53 63813 Monte Urano (FM) – Italy PIVA 01705780441,

Interaction with social networks and external platforms

This type of service allows interaction with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of the Company’s website. The interaction and information obtained through the Company’s .com website is always subject to the user’s privacy settings for each social network. This type of service could still collect traffic data for pages where the service is installed, even when users do not use it.

– Facebook social button and widget (Facebook, inc.)

The Like button and Facebook social widgets are services that allow interaction with the Facebook social network provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy.

– Twitter button tweets and social widgets (Twitter, inc.)

The Tweet button and Twitter social widgets are services that allow interaction with the Twitter social network provided by Twitter, Inc. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: US – Privacy Policy.

– “Pin it” button and Pinterest social widgets (Pinterest)

The “Pin it” button on Pinterest and the social widgets are services that allow interaction with the Pinterest platform provided by Pinterest Inc. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy.

– “Linked in” button and “Linked in” social widgets

The “Linked in” button and social widgets are services that allow interaction with the Linked platform provided by Linked in. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy.

– Facebook Remarketing (Facebook, inc.)

Facebook Remarketing is a remarketing and behavioral targeting service provided by Facebook, Inc. which links the activity to the Facebook advertising network. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data.

Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy


The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.

The type of information is however of a personal nature and is only dealt with by the owner in paper form or with the aid of electronic tools.

The processing operations of these data are exclusively linked to the purpose of responding to the information highlighted by the users, to allow the normal conclusion of the sale of the product and are in no way communicated or disclosed to third parties. It is specified that as regards their conservation, the data are kept only for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose and subsequently they are deleted. It should be noted that in the case in which relationships with the user arise, it will be our task to request consent for the use of the e-mail address for commercial communications and / or information in general. The information released for the purpose of purchases is acquired and managed exclusively by this company in compliance with the principles of integrity and confidentiality of data. In the case of a tax code request, please refer to the details in the “Conditions of Sale”. With the exception of some marketing operations, including those deriving from the granting of discounts or promotions on items, customer data are used by the owner exclusively for the purposes and activities related to online sales.


No personal data of users is acquired by the site in this regard. Cookies are not used to transmit information of a personal nature, nor are c.d. used. persistent cookies of any kind, or systems for tracking users. The use of session cookies (which are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site.


To make this site work well, sometimes we install small data files called “cookies” on your device. Even most of the big sites do the same.


A cookie is a small text file that websites save on your computer or mobile device while you visit them. Thanks to cookies, the site remembers your actions and preferences (eg login, language, font size and other display settings) so you do not have to re-enter them when you return to the site or browse from page to page.


It is possible to prevent cookies from changing the browser settings (the guide links on how to proceed are located below). Be aware that deactivating the functions of cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites that you visit. Disabling cookies usually causes the interruption of some features and features of the site, such as the automatic receipt of discount coupons. Therefore it is advised not to disable cookies.

Most browsers are configured to accept, control and disable cookies through settings. Please note that disabling navigation or functional cookies may cause the site to malfunction and / or limit the

service offered. Below are the links for managing cookies on the following browsers: Internet Explorer




If you create an account, we will use cookies to manage the registration process and general administration. These cookies are usually deleted when you leave, but in some cases they can remain active to remind us of your site preferences after the release.

Cookies are used when you are connected so you can remember this. This prevents you from having to log in every time you visit a new page. These cookies are typically removed or deleted when you log in.

This site offers e-mail newsletter or subscription services, these Cookies can be used to let us know if you are already registered and therefore whether to show certain notifications that could be valid only for subscribers / subscribers / non-subscribers

This site offers e-commerce uses cookies to process your order and therefore your payment correctly.

From time to time, we conduct surveys and questionnaires to provide interesting food for thought, useful tools to understand our user base more accurately. These surveys may use cookies to remember who has already participated in a survey or to provide accurate results after editing the pages.

When sending data to a form or using a comment form, a cookie may be set to remember your user data for future correspondence.

In order to provide an optimal experience we provide various features that can be set at your access. In order to remember your preferences we need to set cookies so that this information can be recalled every time you interact with a page or with a specific function of this site.


In some special cases we use cookies provided by third parties. follow details about third-party cookies that you might encounter when browsing this site.

This site uses Google Analytics, which is one of the most widespread and trusted web analytics solutions that helps us understand how you use the site and find ways to improve your experience. These cookies can track things such as how much time is spent on the site and the pages visited so that we can continue to produce compelling content.

For more information on Google Analytics Cookies, visit the official Google Analytics page.

Some of our cookies allow us to monitor whether our customers have come to us through one of our partner sites in order to validate the visit / goal to our partner.

We also use the social media buttons and / or plugins on this site that allow us to connect with your social network in various ways. These functions allow us to improve your profile on our e- commerce


We trust that all the information previously described has been sufficient. If this still has not answered your questions you can send us an email or call us. You will find below our contacts:


Phone: (+39) 0734 842928


Apart from that specified for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data by writing to the e-mail address indicated in the appropriate box for requesting information or for other communications. For the sake of completeness, it should be noted that in some cases, not subject to the ordinary management of this site, the Authority may request news and information for the purpose of monitoring the processing of personal data; in these cases the answer is mandatory under penalty of administrative sanction. However it should be noted that the user, once started the process for the purchase of a product, can not refuse to provide all the required data, including those of a banking nature, because otherwise the deal could not be concluded due to the lack of necessary and fundamental elements for its correct and lawful conclusion in accordance with the provisions of the law (indirect reference is made to the fiscal area with the issuance of the relative invoice).


In the case of user registration in the relevant section, the system automatically releases a password; in case of loss of the same, the system has an automated recovery mechanism which, after checking the correct ownership of the account, assigns a new password.


Each subject has the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of the data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or correction, and is also entitled of each user to revoke any consent previously granted for informational or marketing purposes. Pursuant to the same article, you have the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing. For the sake of transparency towards users, it should be noted that this policy may be subject to periodic review in order to protect the right of each subject to the proper management of their data.



GALLUCCI SRL. (in the abbreviation shown below as a company) provides to users who are connected to this website, the rules for a correct and authorized use of photos, images, text and any other document published here. These Legal Notes are divided into different sections identifying the current regulatory areas defined by this company.

It is important to underline that what described below may be subject to revision and integration by this company whenever the conditions arise; in this regard and for the purposes of transparency towards the user, the number corresponding to the current version is shown on the initial cover. Legal information also describes the user’s navigation rights governed both by the Privacy Code and by subsequent laws in such a way as to unify the current types of protection in relation to the cases in question in a single session.


The Company represents not only the name of the company owner, but also the used trademark which appears to be Registrat, although not owned but it is a right of use on it. Legal protection is here also extended to the domain on the basis of recognition received by the legislator with the new Industrial Property Code (Legislative Decree 30/2005). In fact, the new legislation allows the

domain name to be protected against counterfeiting and usurpation by third parties, providing both ordinary judgment and precautionary protection. In particular, the art. 133 C.P.I. allows the judicial authority to dispose of the inhibitor of the illegitimate registered use of the domain, or its provisional transfer, if necessary subordinate to the provision of suitable security by the beneficiary of the provision. In light of the foregoing, the site and its contents are the exclusive property of the Company, which reserves the right to grant any third party rights to use. However, it is our duty to specify that within the site there are some images or some publications whose copyright does not belong to the Company, but there is only a right of use against it. Any activity of copying, downloading, reproduction in whole or in part of the contents published on this website is forbidden unless it is expressly stated that it is possible to carry out one of the operations just mentioned. The user is therefore only authorized to view the site and perform all those temporary acts of reproduction, without any economic significance, which are considered transitory or accessories, an integral and essential part of the same display and its contents and all other navigation operations that are performed only for legitimate use. The copyright protections have exclusive value for this website and extend exclusively to the site

As regards the regulation of links, it is necessary to distinguish some situations by specifying that in the current version of Legal Notices there is no connection to external sites. In the event that external links should exist, the Company does not control or perform monitoring operations. of such websites and their contents and can not therefore be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules adopted by them with regard to their privacy and the processing of their personal data during navigation operations.

The writer considers the “surface linking” to be legitimate, that is, the classic link that consists in transferring the visitor to the home page of another site; on the other hand, “deep linking” and “framing” are not authorized as objects of responsibility respectively for violation of copyright and unfair competition.


The Company devotes much importance to the confidentiality and security of data through the development of specific internal control programs and well-defined policies. The security measures are implemented both in the case of paper and electronic management. It is our established practice to acquire consent to the processing of personal data upon release of the appropriate information also for marketing and communication activities carried out by this company. The databases relating to the information of users who have registered on the site are kept and accessible only by the owner who does not carry out any operation of their dissemination to third parties.

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